Helping Victims Of Accidents Caused By Texting While Driving
Texting while driving is an extremely dangerous activity. The driver takes his or her eyes off the road for seconds at a time to operate the phone and compose a text message. With eyes off the road, the results can be catastrophic.
The law firm of O'Connor & Associates has more than 35 years of experience representing Texas accident victims. If you or a loved one has been injured in an accident that was caused by a distracted driver, talk to a Bryan attorney at our office for help after a texting while driving accident. Free consultations are available in injury claim cases.
The Real Risks Of Distracted Driving
While texting while driving does not have the stigma of drunk driving — both are extremely dangerous. Despite these dangers, a large percentage of drivers choose to use and operate a cellphone while driving.
Texting while driving accidents can result in serious injuries and wrongful death. When distracted drivers veer into oncoming traffic, run red lights, fail to brake in time and engage in other risky behavior, lives are changed forever.
Contact A College Station Lawyer For Car Accident Injuries
At O'Connor & Associates, our goal is to help our clients gain maximum compensation to cover the cost of medical treatment, lost wages, physical therapy, vocational rehabilitation training and other related costs. We have significant experience dealing with insurance companies and building convincing and fact-based cases on behalf of clients who have been seriously injured.
We offer a free initial consultation to car accident victims and affected family members. Please call us at 979-314-4724 or contact us online.